Chicken and dumplings is comfort food at its best! Start with a hearty chicken and vegetable stew, then add easy homemade dumplings that cook up light...
Chicken stew is a tradition that can be traced back to the pioneer days in the Tennessee Valley, a small pocket of rural communities on the Tennessee-Alabama...
This classic spicy chicken gumbo recipe with andouille sausage is made with okra and is a Southern classic! Gumbo takes a little while to prepare but makes...
This creamy chicken stew is a big favorite of mine. I serve it with white rice and potato sticks! Some like to add chile peppers to make this a bit spicier...
For health benefits, you can't top dried beans. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber and are low glycemic, helping to control blood sugar. If you don't...
For health benefits, you can't top dried beans. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber and are low glycemic, helping to control blood sugar. If you don't...
For health benefits, you can't top dried beans. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber and are low glycemic, helping to control blood sugar. If you don't...
This is the authentic way to make Pollo Fricassee in Puerto Rico. You can either make in on the stove or in your slow cooker. It is delicious and very...
There's a lot of love in those dumplings! This is comfort food at its best and so worth the time and effort. I love the ohhs, awws, and OMGs, smiles, and...
This is a delicious, rich, creamy, and satisfying chicken stew that my mom makes when the weather is nippy out. Use more or less veggies to your liking...
This is a delicious fusion recipe my husband and I discovered. It's a blend of American hot wing flavors with Brazilian stroganoff flavors. We serve ours...
My fiance is from the D.R. and his mother has made me some amazing food! The first time she made sancocho I fell in love with it. It is often made with...
This is a delicious fusion recipe my husband and I discovered. It's a blend of American hot wing flavors with Brazilian stroganoff flavors. We serve ours...
This is a delicious fusion recipe my husband and I discovered. It's a blend of American hot wing flavors with Brazilian stroganoff flavors. We serve ours...
This is a delicious fusion recipe my husband and I discovered. It's a blend of American hot wing flavors with Brazilian stroganoff flavors. We serve ours...
I threw this together one night after I realized my saucepan wasn't big enough for my Thai Chicken, and I needed to quickly transfer it into a large pot....
I threw this together one night after I realized my saucepan wasn't big enough for my Thai Chicken, and I needed to quickly transfer it into a large pot....
This stew is surprisingly delightful. It serves 6 people easily and most of the ingredients are probably in your pantry already. So easy and tasty. This...